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Ordinarily, I would not have responded to the recent shenanigans of the Katsina state PDP chairman Salisu Majigiri, accusing the administration of Governor Aminu Bello Masari of non performance in spite of the huge resources realized in the last three years.

However, in order to put the records straight as well as dismissed the venomous utterances of the chairman of the failed political party,I feel I should respond to such gullible, premeditated and orchestrated campaign of calumny, blackmail and the pool him mentality syndrome for which Mr Majigiri was known for since their kleptocratic period in governance prior to their overwhelming defeat in 2015 .

Majigiri in his usual characteristic rhetorical flamboyance has opened his venomous mouth to accused the administration of Aminu  Bello Masari of wrong doing emphasizing that the government has realized hundreds of billions of Naira since inception in May 2015 but without commensurate projects on ground.

Let me make it categorically abundantly clear and without fear or contradiction that the propaganda being bandied by this questionable character is far from the truth and if Majigiri were the shameful and courteous type should have no moral justification to accused anybody of wrong doing talk less of the dutiful and our indefatigable governor Aminu Masari especially considering how the character in question called Majigiri and his earth while colonial master succeeded in milking Katsina state a dry during their eight year stewardship in the state.

Similarly, the draconian and dictatorial tendencies with which Mr Majigiri and his lord emperor Ibrahim Shehu Shema ruled Katsina state are still fresh in our memories and very fresh, yes the period under review was characterized by uncertainties, palpable fear, intimidation, blackmail and crack and naked looting of public fund without commensurate projects to justify the resources realized and expended.

Moreover the period of the moribund PDP government in Katsina was no doubt an era of political thuggery, vanguardism and intimidation as our people were living under a serious condition of political and social malfeasance spearheaded and executed by such a stagnant illiterate called Salisu Majigiri.

Where this skylarking charlatan called Majigiri was when his political idol failed to account for several billions of Naira of the Katsina state funds and which have now become a serious subject of litigation?  Mind you! that the surrounding circumstances leading to such primitive accumulation was perpetrated few days to the unceremoniously exit of the PDP kakistocratic misgovernance which nearly crippled and rendered the Katsina  pariah state where civil retired servants and pensioners have no guarantee of their entitlements, i am referring to the unprecedented debt profile bequeathed to the APC government by the almighty PDP government.

It has been a glaring reality that the PDP administration of Ibrahim Shehu shenanigans and his cohorts of Majigiri's calibre had succeeded in tormenting the psyche and even the psychological disposition of the people of Katsina state through the introduction of uncharitable policies and programmes and which landed them in endless political problem, am referring to the period when the whole executive governor and who happened to be the chief security officer of the state ordered that all cockroaches should be killed on sight meaning our people should be killed with reckless abandon and that tumultuous period has today remained a negative era in the history of Katsina state..

I wonder, the statistical analysis and the economic parameters Mr.  Majigiri was using in his analysis but no wonder as where ignorance is bliss it's fooly to be wise as by any explanation such characters would not understand, comprehend and juxtaposed the reality as their eyes and eyes are permanently closed because of hate, envy, sadism and anachronistic tendencies for which a real economic vulture like this political nonentity called Majigiri is known for.

 May I ask Majigiri this simple question which am sure analogically even a primary three pupil in Katsina could answer with precision and accuracy: Has the payment of salaries and other entitlements of the Katsina state civil servants stops since the inception of Masari administration? i Am sure the answer is capital NO OK where was the money sourced to discharge such constitutional mandate?  I think for the remote village of Majigiri and not from the state finances.

I begin to ponder and wonder how at that material time the PDP government of which Majigiri was a team player and  one of the drammatis personae who were calling short exited from power in gloriously but leaving behind a catalogue of debt profile of pension and gratuity of owed by thousands of retired civil servants.

Therefore, since Mr Majigiri and his co travellers have proved to be poor students of history and political economy I think I should spend a little time to elucidate and educate them on the positive transformations so far recorded in Katsina state since the exit of their eight year totalitarian dictatorship as follows.

1.To his credit and to the chagrin of the politically blindfolded elements like Majigiri, the Aminu Bello Masari administration has succeeded in settling the backlog of pension, gratuity and implemented the promotion of thousands of deserving civil servants without primordial condition attached to their welfare.

2. Another important area in which the attention of all the doubting thomases such as Majigiri need to be educated about is the hitherto security situation in the state a dangerous trend which the previous government failed to control but today the instances of cattle rustling, armed robbery and other related crimes have been drastically reduced if not eliminated in toto and entirely much as Katsina state has now become a rendezvous of business and businesses.

3. Total condemnation has never been in the character, characteristics or manner and mannerisms of the Dallatun Hausa led administration as we give credit where it is due, but I wonder how the previous PDP administration under Shehu Shema unjustly relieved thousands of civil servants of their appointments especially in our local government areas but to his credit the administration of Aminu Bello Masari has today reinstated majority of the  affected staff.

4.Another area of concern and which I want not only Majigiri but also  people of like his minds to note is the harvest of infrastructural facilities out in place by the Masari administration across the length and breadth of Katsina state and few among the projects were the renovation and construction of hundreds of additional schools, construction and renovation of over 1,500 roads and building and renovation of additional health facilities equipped with ultra modern medical gadgets, so if I may ask where and from which source does the government executed such projects? I think from the groundnut pyramid stocked in Majigiri.

5. Majigiri should also note that the Restoration agenda is set on a path of restoring Katsina’s lost glory under your pay master, the state inherited fraught with dysfunctional and dilapidated facilities in health, specifically the infrastructure, these structures were inherited since from the old Kaduna state, in spite of the monies accrued under your emperor could not even afford even a paint, the masari led government had renovated, upgraded and remodelled all the state owned secondary health care facilities to cater for the 21st century need of the people of katsina state,

Also you should had put to record and notify the populace as to the decaying effect your master Shema did to medical personnel in the state, on assumption of office by Shema in 2007 he inherited 168 medical doctors in katsina state but on living in 2015 he left 130 giving a decline in 38 personnel inspite of the growing population for the span of 8 years....even with this detrimental damage you did, you still could open your mouth and talk.

6. Your sincerity should also be under test here, you are quite abreast of what was obtainable in the area of water supply across the state, until recently that the Masari led administration had changed the narrative, or do you doubt that? Go and use water for campaign in Malumfashi, Jibia, Daura, Funtua and more, you are a living testimony to this happening only that your political nihilism will not allow you say them. The works in Ajiwa, Sabke, Jibia, Zobe and many are water works inherited too since Kaduna State, what did your pay master did about them in ensuring upgradability?

7. Moreover, I must confidently say and go ahead to give the credit where it is due as the Masari administration has also recorded a significant landmark in restoring the lost glory of the Katsina State especially in Agriculture and education which were left in comatose nature by the past immediate PDP government much as today thousands of our people have gleefully embraced agriculture in line with our policies and programmes of empowering our teaming citizens and Majigiri can verify this from our honest farmers unions to determine the veracity or otherwise of this claim.
Majigiri may also ask from the farmers as to whether the pattern of our fertilizer procurement and distribution is similar to what was obtained under their regime.

8.Space constraint and time may not allow me to enumurate and elaborate the positive gains made so far under Bello Masari administration, but we may also not easily forget his youth empowerment programmes like the establishment of craft school in which thousands of used have become not only employed but employers of labour. On road equivalent space of this write ups will not be enough as over 71 roads have been constructed across the state including your pay masters left over. Again the recently introduced state S power programme was the first of its kinds under which 5, 000 youth had been engaged a part from thousands of teachers recently recruited  and placed on monthly allowance of N20 000 .

Therefore, it is pertinent and imperative for Majigiri to note that the administration of Aminu Bello Masari in Katsina state is yet to clear the heap and endless dust and leftover of the previous PDP administration of which he was a key player.

Director General
Katsina Media & Publicity
Ibrahim M Abdullah
10th September 2018


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